
To thicken any drink 

You MUST follow the guides on the commercial thickener that you are using for correct dosage.

Measure the liquid and add the correct number of scoops as per instruction on the tin according to IDDSI, to reach the desired thickness.

You must trust the instructions and resist the urge to add more when you think it is not working. Give it at least 90 sec to settle after you have stirred the product into the drink vigorously with a fork to disperse the product evenly.


Make up 4 drinks to different IDDSI levels according to the instructions on the product and examine the consistency and see what it looks like after 2 mins.

There is nothing like seeing the consistency with your own eyes!

Making tea

The Simpletask of making tea was more difficult than you think and it is such a ritual for many that it needs to be perfected.

  • Boil the Kettle, add tea bag to large mug and let brew until the required strength is reached. Take the tea bag out of the mug and add sugar/sweetner if needed and milk as necessary.
  • Stir with a spoon and let cool slightly.
  • Now pour 200mls into a measuring cup, discard the rest and add the required dose of thickener to the IDDSI level prescribed. Whisk with a fork until all thickener is dissolved.

Top tip

Place the slightly cooled thickened tea into the microwave to heat for a few seconds (depending on the strength of the microwave) and serve it in your favourite china cup!

Now enjoy a hot cup of tea!