IDDSI is an international collaboration of professionals who developed a standardized framework for labeling texture-modified foods and thickened liquids. The framework is designed to avoid the confusion created by variable terminology and definitions to describe modified diets around the world. So, no matter where you are in the world the same descriptor will be used to label your modified diet and it will avoid confusion and make dysphagia foods safer for those who need them.

Why move to IDDSI?

The framework was designed to avoid the confusion created by the different names used throughout the world to describe texture-modified foods and thickened liquids, so as to ensure patient safety. … The process of implementation will improve patient safety and might result in stronger interdisciplinary ties with open lines of communication between all professions involved.

IDDSI guides and references

Flow test

Level 4 food test

Level 5 Food Test

Level 6 Food Test

Level 7 food test